Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Outdoor Potential

Rolling hills, forested acreage, rocky creeks, rural night skies... (and a building or two just in case...)

I might be pushing it, but I think this property has potential with the right diy tricks.


tim said...

Only if we can build a manly bonfire for the evening! ;) The house would be a nice backdrop for photos, as well as the natural scenery.

Fox & The Feather said...

Bonfire it is!

Mom W said...

I love all of this! But I vote for the Miller yard. It's cheaper than renting a building and looks SOOO much better - many more possibilities. I agree to the banfire! Any idea what Erik will wear? Have you considered sewing your own dress? I have a couple good recipes for Rosemary tea, both spiked and natural that would fit in with your venue. I'm tracking down jars for you, only have one wooden folding chair so far. Oh! Maybe you could use your inheirited silver for serving purposes?

tim said...

Spiked Rosemary tea? Interesting - what do you spike rosemary tea with?

MomW said...

Recipe says vodka or gin. Theres always sangria as well.

MomW said...

I keep thinking about the petticoats idea. White dress with red-orange petticoats underneath. Could be a stunning look.

MomW said...

Jim's really excited about your camping idea!