Thursday, May 7, 2009

Happy Riders

I don't know how this could fit in yet, but Erik & I love vintage Schwinns. We have several, including a matching green his & hers pair that was a gift from me to Erik for one of our first Christmas holidays together.

Then again...


Fox & The Feather said...

Those bikes aren't necessarily schwinns... and we definitely don't have the tandem option - yet.

MattBogus said...

I think it would be fun. I just dont know where you'd put a bike that big.

Anna & Erik said...

Exactly! And I am by no means graceful... having second thoughts about the bike grand exit...

Ben said...


Fox & The Feather said...

Yes, a rickshaw! There's a rickshaw guy that makes the rounds in downtown btown, or there's always you, Ben. Can you rickshaw on grass & gravel?